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Dive into a curated selection of impactful books with contributions by our team, each crafted to challenge perceptions and spark meaningful conversations.

Celebrating Literary Excellence

Our Impactful Contributions

Dive Into Our Collection of Engaging Reads

Take Back Your Power: Stories Collected by Marla McKenna

Release Date:  March 27, 2025

Take Back Your Power will be released on March 27, 2025! There are 21 inspiring stories of resilience and reclaiming power. Through deep vulnerability and raw emotion, the authors recount the challenges and external forces that once shaped their lives and how they took back their power, plus the foreword is written by three-time Olympic gold medalist, Tianna Madison. Can’t wait for you to read it!

Living Blue: Helping Law Enforcement Officers and Their Families Survive and Thrive from Recruitment to Retirement

Living Blue is designed to increase wellness in officers, their families, and ultimately, their communities. In Living Blue, you will learn how to:


• Incorporate a vicarious trauma-informed approach to policing.
• Manage compassion fatigue, burnout, secondary trauma, and moral injury.
• Change the culture and stigma that prevents law enforcement professionals from getting help.
• Boost resilience and achieve posttraumatic growth.
• Prevent law enforcement officer suicide.